Forum Discussion

Mohan_P_250886's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 08, 2016

What is the Maximum-Size value we need to set in LTM OneConnect Profile?

Is this value for a single server or for the server pool? Let's say I have 5 servers in the LTM server pool and I want each server to maintain upto 100 connections in the TCP connection pool. Should this value be 100 or 500?


  • My understanding of this: "Maximum Size setting must be at least one number smaller than the connection limit set for a pool member."


    If you use "OneConnect" on multiple VS, make sure that the following condition matches: "Max Size" setting in OneConnect < Connection limit set per pool member associated with any of the VS that uses the same OneConnect profile.


    I think this is provided to prevent overloading the pool member in the relatively unlikely event of all connections being sent to only one pool member. So, if Max Size is 100 and pool member connection limit for is 90 and assuming no other pool member is available, it can possibly overload as the OneConnect connections are persistent and not torn down when it is closed by the client.