What am I doing wrong...................???
Hi All,
I'm attempting to test a very simple iRule - basically extracting the incoming destination TCP port and then matching the extracted port to a number of "IF /ELSE IF" statements for a match in order for re-direction to a specific node /TCP port combination - if no matches found then reject:
set dport [TCP::local_port clientside]
log local0. "Extract TCP port: $dport"
if { ($dport > 5000) and ($dport < 5150) } {
set newlastoctet [ expr $dport - 4900]
log local0. "IP 4th Octet: $newlastoctet"
log local0. "10.100.10.$newlastoctet 443"
node 10.100.10.$newlastoctet 443
} elseif { ($dport == 6000) } {
log local0. "Test point 1: $dport"
node 443
} elseif { ($dport == 7000) } {
log local0. "Test point 2: $dport"
node 443
} elseif { ($dport == 8000) } {
log local0. "Test point 3: $dport"
node 443
} elseif { ($dport == 9000) } {
log local0. "Test point 4: $dport"
node 443
else {
log local0. "Reject HTTP"
Executing the script:
1) HTTP:// (VIP IP):5100:
The log files displays:
Tue Oct 22 14:10:25 AEDT 2019 info ddltf5201 tmm3[15275] Rule /Common/Test_irule <HTTP_REQUEST>: Extract TCP port: 5100
Tue Oct 22 14:10:25 AEDT 2019 info ddltf5201 tmm3[15275] Rule /Common/Test_irule <HTTP_REQUEST>: IP 4th Octet: 200
Tue Oct 22 14:10:25 AEDT 2019 info ddltf5201 tmm3[15275] Rule /Common/Test_irule <HTTP_REQUEST>: 443
Tue Oct 22 14:10:25 AEDT 2019 info ddltf5201 tmm3[15275] Rule /Common/Test_irule <HTTP_REQUEST>: Reject HTTP
OK, so that extract the TCP port and is tested against the first "IF" statements.
(Not sure why the "Reject HTTP" is logged??? - is there an "exit" cmd to escape from the irule once a match is found?
2) HTTP://(VIP IP):6000
The log file displays:
Tue Oct 22 14:24:28 AEDT 2019 warning ddltf5201.asx.com.au mcpd[5933] 01071859 Warning generated : /Common/Test_irule:5: warning: [use curly braces to avoid double substitution][$dport]
Why doesn't it log /print the extracted port?
What exactly does "use curly braces to avoid double substitution" mean? I have tried a number of "syntax" options i.e.
remove the "(" >>> { $dport == 6000 }
replace with "{" >>> { {$dport == 6000} }
I gather I'm doing something basically "stupid" here - but just unable to identify what exactly the issue is?
Any thoughts, pointers & hints would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Drew,
To fix an understand the meaning of the curly braces warning, you can take a look on K57410758