Forum Discussion
Web Scraping detection and referrers
We are fairly new to the BIG-IP world and
we host several sites which are all highly susceptible to web scraping so we
have enable ASM on these sites and it has been working very well for us. One recent issue came up that our Google
organic clicks had dropped by about 40-50%.
I quickly realize that this was due to the fact that our users were
getting the JS challenge page by ASM then it would post that form and let the
user thru without issue but we lose that referrer data. ASM does retain the original referrer in the
form data so to resolve this I created an Irule to fish this out and push it
thru to our web server.
So is there a built in way already to
preserve this or is an Irule currently the only way to go? If not I would like to put a feature request
in for this as it would seem this would be important data to a lot of other
Big-IP users. Also the way to retrieve
this data from an Irule doesn’t appear to be the cleanest as you have to look
for a form value on a post in the payload that ends in “_rf” which could
possibly conflict with other form values if you aren’t careful.
We are running 3900’s with 11.2.0
Build 2451.0 Hotfix HF1
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Jason,
- Jason_64846NimbostratusOk will do. thanks!
- Jason_64846NimbostratusHere's the Irule i put together incase anyone else would need a sample or have any suggestions on improving it. I am checking the Method and the content length twice but I wasn't sure if that HTTP_Request_data event could/would get fired off by something else. It appears to be working for us so far.
when HTTP_REQUEST {if { [HTTP::method] eq "POST"} { Trigger collection for up to 1MB of dataif { [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] ne "" && [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] <= 1048576} { set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]} else {set content_length 1048576} Check if $content_length is not set to 0if { $content_length > 0} { HTTP::collect $content_length}}}when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA {if { [string tolower [HTTP::method]] eq "post" } { if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } {log [HTTP::payload]foreach p [split [HTTP::payload] &] {set name [getfield $p = 1]if { $name ends_with "_rf" } {set value [getfield $p = 2]set value [URI::decode [getfield $p = 2]]log $namelog "Retaining Referrer: $value" HTTP::header replace Referer $value}}} }}
- vcs_178923Altostratus
Hi Guys, Was it ever implemented on BigIP or an irule is still needed?
- natheCirrocumulussee answer above vcaixeta
- natheCirrocumulus
Looks like it's fixed in 11.5.1 HF5 see
SOL15175: BIG-IP 11.5.1 cumulative hotfix
"The client side challenge mechanism now correctly reconstructs the referrer header."
- vcs_178923Altostratus
Thanks nathan.
- natheCirrocumulusno probs. glad i could help. i didn;t realise this was an issue to be honest so I've learned something. thanks.
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