WA Clear SmartCache or Invalidate All content
I'm having problem on how to clear SmartCache, or invalidate all content.
Let say that if the web masters changed contents on the server, the content on the browser still served to the cache, so we need to clear the SmartCache or invalidate all of the content.
Although i know how to invalidate on F5 Web management, the web masters doesn't have that privileged (accessing F5 management). So i need to find another way, which stumbled on invalidation trigger. I have to make it very simple, let say that only just accessing http://www.sites.com/?invalidate=true, all of the content will be invalidate or even clearing the SmartCache.
I'm already tried this, but no luck:
Leaf > Invalidate
- Query Parameter "invalidate", value "true"
- Path /
Acceleration Rule:
- Invalidation: Query Parameter "invalidate", value "true", path "/", (optional: Client IP: 10.*)
- Content to invalidate: Host "www.sites.com or", path "/"
Any hints will be veeeerrryyy helpful