Forum Discussion

Gajji's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Aug 17, 2021

VS on https , how can i decrypt the traffic - tcpdump taken

VS on https , how can i decrypt the traffic - tcpdump taken

If i want to see some mobile number on transaction how do i check whether request hits and pass throught LB

  • Hi  If you have SSL offloading done on F5 vServer i.e. client SSL configured, then F5 can decrypt the traffic and re-encrypt it if required while forwarding it to the pool members. If you want to see the

    connections/hits passing through the F5 then there are several ways like-

    1. seeing active server and/or client side connections using cli command show sys connection xx
    2. Seeing hits on the vServer and backend pool members
    3. logging required requests traffic using iRule
    4. tcpdump etc.
    • Gajji's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      How do I read the traffic .. ex. Phone number i want to see from client going to server