Forum Discussion

Sandeep_Gupta_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 21, 2013

Virtual Server creation



I am new to F5 and using the evaluation version of F5 (Big IP LTM Virtual Edition). I am facing problem while creating the virtual server for tomcat application.


F5 Big-IP LTM VE is running on VMPlayer. And I can access the admin page of F5 via https://>


I want to test F5 with 3 tomcat applications which are running as cluster. All my three tomcat instances are on same machine with different port. http://:8081//cluter-example/test.jsp http://:8082//cluter-example/test.jsp http://:8083//cluter-example/test.jsp I tested out successfully this cluster with Apache server.


As I do not have much idea as how to create Virtual server which will use my newly created pool which has all the three tomcat instances.


I tried to create Virtual server with following parameter: Type : host Address : some random IP address. Service port : 80 with HTTP VLAN and tunnel traffic : All VLAN and tunnel SNAT Pool : autoMap


Afterward I try to access the virtual server as http://>:80 And then getting nothing (I am expecting it should go to one of the tomcat instance) I tried with http://>:80/cluster-example/test.jsp but same result.


In Health monitor side I used Send String : GET /cluster-example/test.jsp


Please let me know what are the things I am missing and why given virtual IP with 80 port as HTTP... its not redirecting to tomcat application side.




  • I thought to use network virtual server because I want to modify the netmask thinking that this is the root cause of problem.

    Initially when I set up LTM VE, I tried to use host virtual server only. Anyway I modified my virtual server.

    root@f5(Active)(tmos) list ltm virtual vs_http_sandeep
        ltm virtual vs_http_sandeep {
            ip-protocol tcp
            pool CCE-Tomcat_pool
            profiles {
                CCE-Tomcat_lan-optimized_tcp_profile { }
            snat automap
    root@f5(Active)(tmos) list ltm pool CCE-Tomcat_pool
    ltm pool CCE-Tomcat_pool {
        load-balancing-mode least-connections-member
        members {
                monitor CCE-Tomcat_monitor
                priority-group 1
                state up
                monitor CCE-Tomcat_monitor
                priority-group 1
                state up
                monitor CCE-Tomcat_monitor
                priority-group 1
                state up
        monitor CCE-Tomcat_monitor
  • Anyway I modified my virtual server.

    so, does it work now? if not, can you capture packet on bigip to see what wrong is?


     tcpdump -nni 0.0:nnn -s0 -w /var/tmp/output.pcap host or host -v
  • Nope, it didn't work this time also. I run the command as you said and then try to access or

    [root@f5:Active] tmp  tcpdump -nni 0.0:nnn -s0 -w /var/tmp/output.pcap host or host -v
    tcpdump: listening on 0.0:nnn, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
    Got 0
  • Nope, it didn't work this time also. I run the command as you said and then try to access or


    doesn't it mean it did not reach bigip?


  • Yes, http request is not reaching to f5. If I try to access, I got the connection time out. Even when I ping VS IP ( .. no response.

    My three tomcat applications are running
    • jzjzjz_146534's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      did you ever come up with a solution?? ive been banging my head against the wall with the same exact issue. ive tried every suggestion i can find on dev central, youtube & google. i feel its something simple im missing but cant put my finger on it (due to my very limited experience with bigip and vmware). from the lack of communication between the pc sitting on the outside /24 and the vs & external selfip... anyone?
    • keshav_163381's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Please apply http profile on virtual servers so he can understand the traffic. After you applied if still not working take a tcpdump on virtual server side with command tcpdump -npi 0.0 host virtual servers IP address and check the issue.


      Second run the curl command and paste the output here with info.


      curl -x http:// virtual iP address


  • It seems that the solution isn't available for this question either here or many other places like youtube, google, dev central website etc.


    Can the destination address be any random value like ( for a virtual server? or there are any specific values to be considered.


    Thank you.


  • Dear Sravan Kumar,


    The main thing you need to consider is that the Virtual Server (destination Address) has to be from a network which is accessible from your PC.


    And before that.. (Sorry for this Question). Have you configured the Self-IP Addresses for your F5?




    Mohammed Shiraz