Forum Discussion

rafaelbn_176840's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Nov 23, 2017

Viprion. Multiple blades and vCMP. Mirroring options.

Hello Devs!

I read on the oficial training guide that when you use vCMP, you do the mirroring on a guest basis. That makes sense to me.

But what if you have like a c2400 with 4x2150. Does the mirror "within cluster" applies?

root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(/S1-green-P:Active)(/Common)(tmos) list sys db statemirror.clustermirroring
sys db statemirror.clustermirroring {
    value "within"

To me the mirror within cluster/between cluster only makes sense when we are talking about Viprions without vCMP. Am I right?!

One more thing. If I had a c2400 chassis with 4x2150 blades with vCMP enabled. If I had only one vCMP guest with only one CPU and it was configured with the proper permissions to run on all four blades. If blade1 failed, would this vCMP guest automagically run on blade2 without any disruption? Or would the vCMP guest fail and re-start on blade2?

Thanks! Rafael

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