Forum Discussion

gianluca_f5's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 13, 2019

Viprion host, configure IP for management

Hi, I have a BIG-IP VPR-B4300, with some VCMP . The host and the guests have a management IP in out of band network.

For some reasons all hosts and guests must be managable also on a NOT Management interface. For the guests I selected a self ip already configured but the problem is on the host, the only L3 interface is the management.

Do you think it is feasible configure a self ip on the host and make it reachable for management?


  • Never done this but would guess it is possible.


    I would recommend creating a dedicated VLAN which is not assigned to any vCMP guests and try to configure a Self IP. If F5 don't allow Self IPs on vCMP Hosts would hope it would prevent you creating one.