Forum Discussion

Vivek_59_135097's avatar
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Nov 06, 2013

VIP to VIP pointing

Hi Guys,


We have an external device consisting a VIP say ve(e stands for external) pointing to a pool pe. We also have an internal device consisting a VIP say vi(i for internal) pointing to a pool pi pe is no longer in use and non existing (removed) pi is in use and active (so ve is down as pool assigned to it is non existing pool) Now the issue is to point ve to vi (external VIP to internal VIP) .


What should be the best way to point from external VIP to internal VIP. my assumption is like making the vi ans pe and assigning that to the ve, if thats the case then what should be the configuration for the pool if not what is the best solution i can get.


Any help is much appreciated Thanks in advance.


  • The easiest thing would probably be to make the internal VIP address the single pool member in the external pool. But curious, where would you have the traffic go upon reaching the internal VIP if it has no pool?