Forum Discussion

Dan_06_145465's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 03, 2017

Vcenter 6.5 - APM SSO



I'm trying to set up SSO for Vcenter 6.5 with a seperate PSC, which uses SAML to authenticate between the vcenter server and the itself. It doesn't appear that I can use the BIG-IP as an iDP for Vcenter (if anyone has any information on how to do this, I'd be very interested to hear it).


This is so I can use 2FA on APM for Vcenter - we have administrators that will need to use 2FA to authenticate to Vcenter and normal users, who will have access restrictions placed on their usage inside vcenter.


Anyway, I'm not sure how to go about setting up SSO for vcenter - does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about figuring this out and implementing it?


Some more details:


The authentication will be done to AD for Administrators and internally to the PSC for other users.




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