Aug 10, 2012Cirrostratus
/var/log/ltm on Standby references Active
I just noticed a very weird and disconcerting behavior on a couple of my 10.2.4HF3 LTM pairs. At times, I see Pool Member status (up/down) messages referencing the name of the Active unit in /var/log/ltm on the Standby. These particular log entry times match exactly on both units. But there are other times where the Standby reports status changes on its own referencing its own name, and these times don't match with corresponding entries on the Active. I don't see any messages referencing the Standby in /var/log/ltm on the Active.
This is an example of a message I see in /var/log/ltm on the Standby:
Aug 10 08:56:09 local/(name_of_active_unit) notice mcpd[4686]: 01070727:5: Pool member monitor status up.
Does anyone else see this behavior?