Forum Discussion
- Lee_SutcliffeNacreousI have this set up, dont seem to remember of anything of note.
- JRahmAdminThere is no problem with this configuration. When you do the bigip_add from GTM, it will install any necessary big3d updates to your LTM 10.x devices.
- Will Device Trusts and/or Device Groups need to be setup for iquery to work?
- JRahmAdminDevice Groups are not necessary for GTM if utilizing multiple standalone units (versus an HA pair, which for GTM, is less common), it uses a sync group between peers to share the GTM specific configuration.
- pingwarrior_176NimbostratusIf there are 2 units of GTM in a syn-group where 1 with v10 and 1 with v11, is there any problem with this setup except for zone file doesn't syn?
- JRahmAdminI never had much success with multi-version GTM sync groups, but perhaps that has changed in the later versions (bulk of my prod experience was on 9.4.x). I'd lab that out before trying.
- Will the certificate depth need modifying? I can't see this setting on v11.
I'm asking as I have been testing this setup out and I can't get it to work.