Forum Discussion

LEON_LI_38034's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 24, 2013

v11.4 load-aware


Hello Everybody



TMOS v11.4,If Failover Order is disenable,does "Next Active Device" of "WebGUI Device Management 》 Traffic Groups " calculate though load-aware?



If it is.I can directly find the device which is "Next Active Device",that don't calculate load-aware Score of every devices by myself to judge which the device traffic group switch to next time.



Or I know which device is Next Active Device,and why do I calculate?



How to use the "Load - aware"?,Don't understand the mean of load-aware arithmetic after I read the DSC Guide,most of all,"The sum of remote active traffic group loads."



The question has bothered me for a long time.



Thanks a lot.



  • i understand in 11.4.0, we can specify next active device (an alternative to load-aware failover).



    Ordered failover lists for Sync-Failover device groups


    An alternative to the new load-aware failover feature is an ordered list. For each traffic group in the device group, you can specify a list of devices that you want to be the next-active device for the traffic group if failover occurs. If the first device in the list is unavailable, the BIG-IP system chooses the next device in the list to be the next-active device, and so on. This feature is more useful for homogeneous, rather than heterogeneous, platforms in device groups.Release Note: BIG-IP LTM and TMOS 11.4.0