Forum Discussion

Matt_Breedlove_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 17, 2011

v10-is Re-Chunk on http profile always required for stream profiles?

I have seen many of the warnings posted about setting the http profile to use "re-chunk" if using a stream profile that may change the length of the response data, but it is mostly in reference to 9.x users and nothing is mentioned for v10



Can someone confirm, that v10 no longer requires manually changing the http profile to re-chunk from selective?



The stream profile is swapping occurrences of "" to "" in the response. It seems to work fine with the stream profile configured as such in v10, with the http profile left at "selective" but want to be positive.



V=10.1.0 b3341







  • You should be fine with selective.



    - Rechunk: Specifies that the system unchunks the HTTP content, processes the data, re-adds the chunk headers, and then sends the chunked request or response to the client.


    - Selective: Specifies that the system unchunks the HTTP content, processes the data, re-adds the chunk headers, and then sends the chunked request or response to the client. Note that for chunked content, this mode is the same as the Rechunk mode.



    Selective is engaging chunking when necessary.
  • Great - Thanks for the confirmation. It will be nice to be able to stick with one standard HTTP profile