Forum Discussion
Jan 10, 2012Nimbostratus
Using ASM in a forward-http proxy scenario?
Usually the ASM is used in reverse proxy scenarios (protected your own webservers) - but have anyone in here used ASM in a forward http proxy scenario to protect the clients (and to make sure your clients doesnt try to sql inject and other stuff)?
My idea is to connect an ASM http profile to a vserver that loadbalance among outgoing forward http proxies (the clients would use the vserver ip as http proxy in their browser settings).
Also recommendations regarding stuff to disable in ASM (in a forward scenario) would be of interrest.
- Mike_MaherNimbostratusI have never done this but I find the idea very interesting.
- Ido_Breger_3805Historic F5 AccountHi Mikand,
- Mike_MaherNimbostratusIdo,
- mikand_61525NimbostratusThe short answer to Ido's question is: because I can :-)
- Ido_Breger_3805Historic F5 AccountHey Mike,
- mikand_61525NimbostratusIt seems that settng a http profile and later a http class (to connect to the ASM) works fine in the VS_FORWARD-HTTP but not for the VS_FORWARD-HTTPS.
- mikand_61525NimbostratusI have posted a test-setup in (OneConnect and Proxy/Squid Load Balancing) in case someone is interrested in taking a look at the https problem :-)
- dyobbs_25515NimbostratusMikand hi,
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