Feb 13, 2012Nimbostratus
Using App server as monitor for Web Server
Hello iRulers,
We have a web pool with two members. Having a requirement to put a web node down in pool when corresponding app server goes down (put web1 down when app1 goes down and vice versa) and to to implement the logic, I am thinking of the following iRule,
if { [active_members pool-having-only-one-app-server-node1] == 0 } {
use node ip-of-the-other-web-server2
if { [active_members pool-having-only-one-app-server-node2] == 0 } {
use node ip-of-the-other-web-server1
These rules would instruct the VS to use the other node (web2 if app1 is down)
Is there a simple logic anyone can think of to implement this?
Is there a posibility to use health of "app node" as a health monitor for web node?