Forum Discussion

jbosch's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 18, 2019

user root with role admin doesn't have access to "ihealth-request"

Hi, I export my configuration using the following command:

run /util bash -c "tmsh -q show running-config all-properties > /var/tmp/config

thereafter I want to import the configuration on the same node using the following:

load sys config file /var/tmp/config

whereupon I encounter the following error message:

A cli preference with empty user attribute found. This cli preference, will be ignored.

Authorization Error:(/var/tmp/config at line: 769) user root with role admin doesn't have access to "ihealth-request"

line 769 contains the following:

sys diags ihealth-request {

  error none

  error-str none

  ihealth-finish-time 0

  ihealth-start-time 0

  progress 0

  qk-progress 0

  qkview-date 0

  qkview-filename none

  qkview-size 0

  qkview-user none

  status none

  tcpdump-date 0

  tcpdump-filename none

  tcpdump-size 0

  type none


is the configuration incorrect or should I export or import in a different way? Thanks in advance!