I'm a bit late and Mohamed already gave you a solution that should work,
I'd just like to point out -for additional clarity- that since this is encrypted traffic, you need to run both clientSSL and HTTP profiles on your service in order to perform content modification. If back-end servers expect encrypted packets, you should also use a serverSSL profile.
Also, I don't know how many paths your web service is running, but I usually script "exact matches" when I have this type of request, to avoid disrupting (possibly) similar pages in different folders that don't need to be redirected.
Here's my input:
if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "tableau.ucsf.edu" && [HTTP::path] starts_with "/#/views/ZeroHarm"}{
switch -glob [HTTP::path] {
/#/views/ZeroHarm/Summary -
/#/views/ZeroHarm/ZeroHarmDetail -
/#/views/ZeroHarm/MetricDetail { HTTP::redirect "https://tableau.ucsf.edu/#/views/ZeroHarm2_0-Summary/Summary"}