Forum Discussion

eLeCtRoN's avatar
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Feb 27, 2017

URL Browser Mask/Hide with redirect



I have a URL this URL use some Users. Now I use this iRule


when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] if { $uri eq "forex" } { HTTP::uri "*" HTTP::header replace Host } }


to get access on on the realserver, now what I want to do is to display in the browser just and not to switch to, I did try to figure out, for example with the proxy pass iRule, but these are really complex things and I need help, maybe I could get a easy example iRule from someone which resolve my wishes. Other thing is I know that this use case didn't work together with a redirect ! So I search for a GOOD answer how can I solve this topic. I hope for a example iRule maybe from a User with a big knowledge in iRules, more than mine. It is all https traffic and a valid certificate is inside the VS.


THX Manuel