Forum Discussion

Sajid's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jul 26, 2021

URL and User-Agent base allow

Trying to implement irule for a virtual server to check


User-Agent = Internet Explorer only (application compatible issue)

and URL

if the condition is true allows URL else message your browser is not compatible with Application access.





  • Sajid's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Trying to achieve below




    User-Agent: Trident (IE 11.0) only



    when HTTP_REQUEST {

     if { ([class match [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains supported_browser]) && ([HTTP::uri] contains "/INB" ) } {


    else {

      HTTP::respond 200 content "Web Browser not compatible "



    With Best Regards,


  •  What's the issue? I see you are using datagroup where you will set allowed browser list. Is your irule not working as expected? Is it possible for you to share your complete irule?

  • Sajid's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus


    when HTTP_REQUEST {

     if { ([class match [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains supported_browser]) && ([HTTP::uri] contains "/INB" ) } {



     else {

      HTTP::respond 200 content "Browser not supported, kindly use IE 11.0 only" }




    only else statement working with IE and firefox.

  • Sajid's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    This irule validation is required, its only work with IE.


    my requirement are

    1. User-Agent (IE)
    2. URL Query end with link (urllist)
    3. If User use IE application URL should work
    4. Else Message Browser not support
    5. All other URLs should work with IE, Firefox, Chrome etc.


    when HTTP_REQUEST {

     if { !([class match [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains "supported_browser"] || {class match [HTTP::query] ends_with "urllist"})} {

        HTTP::respond 200 content "Browser not supported for custom application, kindly contact Support Team"




