Forum Discussion

Shawn_Salyers_8's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 27, 2011

URI Redirect with 301

Hello and thank you for the help....



I have a need to take the incoming request and replace portions of the URI and redirect to ta different pool, which is currently working with the following iRule:





if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "" } {


if { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/innovation/article/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/innovation/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/lifestyle/article/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/lifestyle/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/managing/article/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/managing/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/marketing/article/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/marketing/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/money/article/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/money/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/technology/article/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/technology/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/the-world/article/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/the-world/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/innovation/videos/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/innovation/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/lifestyle/videos/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/lifestyle/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/managing/videos/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/managing/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/marketing/videos/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/marketing/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/money/videos/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/money/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/technology/videos/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/landing/sections/technology/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}


elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "/landing/sections/the-world/videos/" } {HTTP::uri [string map {/idea-ub/sections/the-world/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]}}



pool POOL-X001






What I am being asked to do now, is add a 301 to the redirect.



Any help would be greatly appreciated.







  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    You can change from HTTP::uri to HTTP::respond 301 Location $new_location. If you're using string map to dynamically set the new location, you can use this:





    HTTP::respond 301 Location [string map {/idea-ub/sections/the-world/videos /videos} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]



    Also, you could use a switch statement to more efficiently check the requested URI:





  • Hoolio sweeps in for the win. üòÜ

    Here's an example of what he's talking about:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "" } {
    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
    "/landing/sections/innovation/article/*" {
    HTTP::respond 301 Location [string map {/landing/sections/innovation/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]
    "/landing/sections/lifestyle/article/*" {
    HTTP::respond 301 Location [string map {/landing/sections/lifestyle/article /articles} [HTTP::path]][HTTP::query]
    pool POOL-X001
  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    With switch not only will things become far more legible (in my personal opinion, anyway) but you'll also see a pretty significant performance improvement (fact, not opinion). It's definitely worth taking a look.



  • Thanks for all the great help! I couldn't have gotten it working without you guys!