Hello Aaron,
I tried with -c option and i get error.
lb01(Active)(tmos) /util bash -c uptime
Syntax Error: unexpected argument "-c"
lb01(Active)(tmos.util.bash) ?
/ TMOS Command Line Interface
/auth User accounts and authentication
/cli Local user settings and configuration transactions
/gtm Global Traffic Manager
/ltm Local Traffic Manager
/net Network configuration
/sys General system configuration
/util Utility programs that can be run from within tmsh
/wom WAN Optimization
create Create new configuration items
delete Remove configuration items
edit Update configuration using a text editor
exit Exit the current command mode
help View tmsh man pages
install Install an image or hotfix to a volume
list View configuration and settings
load Replace running configuration with configuration files
modify Update existing configuration items
quit Quit tmsh
reboot Reboot the system
reset-stats Reset runtime statistics
restart Restart BIG-IP services
run Run an external program
save Save the running configuration to configuration files
show View runtime information, statistics and status
start Start BIG-IP services
stop Stop BIG-IP services
submit Submit a batched transaction