Forum Discussion

ottleydamian's avatar
Jan 07, 2020

Upgrade Exchange 2010 to 2016 iApp

I know an iApp can be upgraded to another version of the same iApp. But can I upgrade the Exchange 2010_2013 iApp to the Exchange 2016 iApp.

Note: the customer says they are going to use the same features in 2016 that they did in 2010. The current OS is Exchange 2010 and they are migrating to 2016.

  • The Exchange 2010_2013 and Exchange 2016 iApp are separate, unique, iApps from one another which is why you cannot do a "normal" upgrade from 2010_2013 to 2016.


    When you import the 2016 iApp it is an entirely separate and unique iApp in the F5, it will not overwrite the 2010_2013 version or upgrade it.


    The upgrade path would involve undeploying the 2010_2013 iApp then deploying a new instance of the 2016 iApp.

  • No you cannot upgrade the Exchange 2010_2013 iApp to the Exchange 2016 iApp.