Forum Discussion

Robin1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 05, 2023

Unable to load balance the reverse proxy requests to backend app servers from open source nginx

Hi, We are using F5 load balancer to round robin requests to two open source nginx webservers and then send the reverse proxy requetsts to backend app servers. however all the requests are going to single server and I see LB IP in access logs. I am using ip_hash for session persistence.






  • assuming all requests are not sourced from the same IP to the BIG-IP you have a oneconnect profile attached the to virtual server? If not, for layer7 traffic, this is effectively a misconfiguration.

    • Robin1's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      HI JRahm, I see all the requests are sourced from a single F5 IP, not sure of oneconnect profile. is there nay way I can avoid this?