Forum Discussion

Kedar_P_199634's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 28, 2015

Unable to Connect to VIP after Load Balancing - F5 BIG IP

I have VIP on BIG IP F5 which is Pinging and able to talk to Pool members(webservers) 8.1 and 8.2 on on port 80. Pool members able to ping VIP and telnet on port 80. yet, the VIP (loadblancer) is not Routing the HTTP requests to webservers. all the Pool members are green, so is the virtual server.


Your Thoughts and advivce is appreciated. any further detail required, please do let me know.


  • Additionally, i can see the connection hits are increasing on the pool members statistics , which means the requests are reaching the F5. however, it is not catering the web pages and doesnt load the page. the browser shows "page cannot be displayed.