Forum Discussion

Jon_Strabala_46's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 01, 2010

Unable to connect to the remote server

Hello, I use the iRULEs editor to develop iRULEs, via a public NAT to my F5 pair (in private address space) everything seems to work great except if I try to "generate traffic"

I get a "Unable to connect to the remote server"

example "public IP" of my F5 (routed only to my PC)  

actual "private IP" of my F5 (translated by a CISCO router to the F5)  

As I said everything works great for developing iRULEs, I just go to ( just like the main GUI for the F5 is accessible from and I go to town, but I have no idea how to trigger/use the generate traffic feature, to my iRULEs from the editor - shouldn't it just work since I am logged in via SSH to the F5?

Perhaps I have to configure more then a URI of "/" and a method GET

Any advice would be appreciated. I know there is a "proxy" setting should I put a socks proxy on the F5 itself or on a client that can actually access the F5 (e.g. normal production use). There doesn't seem to be much in the way of documentation concerning use of the proxy stuff.

  • The iRule editor is most likely using the actual internal VIP address to send test traffic to. You're using a public NAT address to get to a self IP or the management port.



    If there is a proxy server that allows you to connect to the internal VIP addresses you could configure the iRuler to use that when generating test traffic to the VIPs. Else, you could use a command line tool on your workstation to access the public VIP addresses.


