Forum Discussion
Jun 02, 2012Nimbostratus
Trying to write an irule which inspects url parameters to select the appropriate pool
Hi Guys,
I have a Virtual server which will get http requests like this, http:://
I want the iRule to inspect the paramet...
Jun 02, 2012Employee
Now if I remember right, to use cookie persistence where the pools foo1 and foo2 have different members, I need to use oneconnect as well on the virtual server. Do you agree? are you talking about this one?
sol9800: Using an iRule to load balance HTTP requests to multiple pools
well, i think using oneconnect is fine.
Also what will be the difference in setting cookie after the parameter matches, instead of defining it at the virtual server definition? i got an error.
[root@ve1024:Active] config b rule myrule list
rule myrule {
if { [HTTP::query] ends_with "1" } {
persist cookie
pool foo1
} elseif { [HTTP::query] ends_with "2" } {
persist cookie
pool foo2
} else {
pool foo
log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [clientside {IP::local_addr}]:[clientside {TCP::local_port}] -> [IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port]"
[root@ve1024:Active] config b virtual bar list
virtual bar {
snat automap
ip protocol 6
profiles {
http {}
tcp {}
[root@ve1024:Active] config b virtual bar rule myrule
BIGpipe unknown operation error:
01070372:3: Persistence mode (Cookie) called out in rule (myrule) requires a corresponding persistence profile for virtual server (bar).
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