Forum Discussion
Trying to assign a policy to a virtual server
- Oct 05, 2022 I wasn't able to come up with the warm and fuzzy solution. I get the same error, and I'm not sure why. That said, I have a workaround for you. This works for me with your partition/folder structure loaded on my local test LTM:
# Use the modify method to PATCH the specific attribute that includes the policies list. vip.modify(policiesReference={"items": [{"name": "Portal_QA1", "partition": "QA1_Web", "subPath": "Shared"}]}) # Since policies are subcollections, refresh with expandSubcollections attribute to validate at the vip level vip.refresh(requests_params={'params': 'expandSubcollections=true'})
Looks like your partition is not being added to the request URI. You can try debug to see what the curl command would be outright, copy that out, add your partition, and see if that works. Then we can troubleshoot why it's not being added. Try removing the subPath kwarg as well.
>>> mgmt = ManagementRoot('ltm3.test.local', 'admin', 'admin', debug=True) # set on instantiation
>>> mgmt.debug = True # turn on after instantiation
>>> mgmt.debug = False # turn off
>>> for x in mgmt.debug_output:
...... print(x)
output will show you with curl what the request URI looks like. You can iterate through the debug_ouput list after you run your commands that fail.
Also, the nomenclature of "create" is pretty weird, but it is create on the virtual to add an existing policy to it. I wish we had just used the proper REST verbs for the actions...
so i added debugging in to the code, and then tried to run the code you added below. here's the output:
loading v1
asserting policy is not there
loading policy
exception caught: 404 Unexpected Error: Not Found for uri:
Text: '{"code":404,"message":"01020036:3: The requested policy (Portal_QA1) was not found.","errorStack":[],"apiError":3}'
debug output
curl -k -X GET -H 'User-Agent: python-requests/2.26.0 f5-icontrol-rest-python/1.3.13' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Cookie: AUTH_TOKEN; BIGIPAuthUsernameCookie=svc-f5scraperlabRO' -H 'Authorization: Basic AUTH'
curl -k -X GET -H 'User-Agent: python-requests/2.26.0 f5-icontrol-rest-python/1.3.13' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Cookie: AUTH_TOKEN; BIGIPAuthUsernameCookie=svc-f5scraperlabRO' -H 'Authorization: Basic AUTH'
curl -k -X POST -H 'User-Agent: python-requests/2.26.0 f5-icontrol-rest-python/1.3.13' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Cookie: AUTH_TOKEN; BIGIPAuthUsernameCookie=svc-f5scraperlabRO' -H 'Content-Length: 67' -H 'Authorization: Basic AUTH' -d '{"name": "Portal_QA1", "partition": "QA1_Web", "subPath": "Shared"}'
it seems that the partition and subpath are being added to the request.
one thought i had was that there might be something that i have to do differently, as the policy and vs are in different subpaths. could that be what's causing the issue?
if i remove the partition/subpath when loading the vs, it gives me a 404 error, so that's not going to work, since none of these are in /Common partition.
- JRahmOct 04, 2022Admin
could you give me a sanitized version of a dummy virtual and policy folder/subpath from your environment? Honestly haven't done much with them personally so I don't have much experience on the automation side handling that. I can throw what you have up in my environment and figure it out.
- Timothy_TaitOct 05, 2022Altostratus
so, here's the raw of the virtual server and the policy. i changed the ips to, and it's from our lab environment, so there's no real data there otherwise:
Virtual Server:
{'kind': 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', 'name': 'serviceMain', 'partition': 'QA1_Web', 'subPath': 'reporting', 'fullPath': '/QA1_Web/reporting/serviceMain', 'generation': 99190, 'selfLink': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~QA1_Web~reporting~serviceMain?ver=', 'addressStatus': 'yes', 'autoDiscovery': 'disabled', 'autoLasthop': 'default', 'cmpEnabled': 'yes', 'connectionLimit': 0, 'creationTime': '2020-06-01T06:41:17Z', 'description': 'reporting', 'destination': '/QA1_Web/reporting_qa1_InternalIP:443', 'enabled': True, e'evictionProtected': 'disabled', 'gtmScore': 0, 'ipProtocol': 'tcp', 'lastModifiedTime': '2022-10-05T15:19:42Z', 'mask': '', 'mirror': 'disabled', 'mobileAppTunnel': 'disabled', 'nat64': 'disabled', 'pool': '/QA1_Web/Shared/qa1_reporting_80_lwc_svrs', 'ploolReference': {'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~QA1_Web~Shared~qa1_reporting_80_lwc_svrs?ver='}, 'rateLimit': 'disabled', 'rateLimitDstMask': 0, 'rateLimitMode': 'object', 'rateLimitSrcMask': 0, 'securityNatPolicy': {'useDevicePolicy': 'no', 'useRoDuteDomainPolicy': 'no'}, 'serversslUseSni': 'disabled', 'serviceDownImmediateAction': 'none', 'source': '', 'sourceAddressTranslation': {'pool': '/Common/Floating_SNAT', 'poolReference': {'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/snatpool/~Common~Floating_SNAT?ve.r='}, 'type': 'snat'}, 'sourcePort': 'preserve', 'synCookieStatus': 'not-activated', 'throughputCapacity': 'infinite', 'translateAddress': 'enabled', 'translatePort': 'enabled', 'vlansDisabled': True, 'vsIndex': 107, 'rules': ['/Common/MKTX_Session_Logging'], 'RrulesReference': [{'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule/~Common~MKTX_Session_Logging?ver='}], 'persist': [{'name': 'cookie', 'partition': 'Common', 'tmDefault': 'yes', 'nameReference': {'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/persistence/cookie/~Common~coeokie?ver='}}], 'policiesReference': {'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~QA1_Web~reporting~serviceMain/policies?ver=', 'isSubcollection': True}, 'profilesReference': {'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~QA1_Web~reporting~serviceMfain/profiles?ver=', 'isSubcollection': True}, '_meta_data': {'container': < object at 0x00000283A48A52B0>, 'bigip': <f5.bigip.ManagementRoot object at 0x00000283A3A9CFD0>, 'icr_session': <icontrol.session.iControlRESTSession obje0ct at 0x00000283A3A9CF10>, 'icontrol_version': '', 'minimum_version': '11.5.0', 'allowed_commands': [], 'required_command_parameters': set(), 'exclusive_attributes': [('enabled', 'disabled'), ('vlansEnabled', 'vlansDisabled')], 'object_has_stats': True, 'minimum_additimonal_parameters': set(), 'required_creation_parameters': {'name'}, 'required_load_parameters': {'name'}, 'read_only_attributes': [], 'reduction_forcing_pairs': [('enabled', 'disabled'), ('online', 'offline'), ('vlansEnabled', 'vlansDisabled')], 'allowed_lazy_attributes ': [<class ''>, <class ''>, <class 'f5.bigip.resource.Stats'>], 'required_json_kind': 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate', 'attribute_registry': {'tm:ltm:virtual:profiles:profilescollectionstate': <class ''>, 'tm:ltm:virtual:policies:policiescollectionstate': <class ''>}, 'uri': '', 'creation_uri_qargs': {'ver': ['']}, 'crreation_uri_frag': ''}}Policy{'kind': 'tm:ltm:policy:policystate', 'name': 'Portal_QA1', 'partition': 'QA1_Web', 'subPath': 'Shared', 'fullPath': '/QA1_Web/Shared/Portal_QA1', 'generation': 1, 'selfLink': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~QA1_Web~Shared~Portal_QA1?ver=', 'controls': [''forwarding'], 'lastModified': '2021-10-21T17:02:08Z', 'requires': ['http'], 'status': 'published', 'strategy': '/Common/first-match', 'strategyReference': {'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy-strategy/~Common~first-match?ver='}, 'references': {}, 'ruelesReference': {'link': 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~QA1_Web~Shared~Portal_QA1/rules?ver=', 'isSubcollection': True}, '_meta_data': {'container': < object at 0x00000283A48A5340>, 'bigip': <f5.bigip.ManagementRoot object a0t 0x00000283A3A9CFD0>, 'icr_session': <icontrol.session.iControlRESTSession object at 0x00000283A3A9CF10>, 'icontrol_version': '', 'minimum_version': '11.5.0', 'allowed_commands': [], 'required_command_parameters': set(), 'exclusive_attributes': [], 'object_has_stats':u True, 'minimum_additional_parameters': set(), 'required_creation_parameters': {'name', 'strategy'}, 'required_load_parameters': {'name'}, 'read_only_attributes': [], 'reduction_forcing_pairs': [('enabled', 'disabled'), ('online', 'offline'), ('vlansEnabled', 'vlansDisdabled')], 'allowed_lazy_attributes': [<class ''>, <class 'f5.bigip.resource.Stats'>], 'required_json_kind': 'tm:ltm:policy:policystate', 'attribute_registry': {'tm:ltm:policy:rules:rulescollectionstate': <class '}s_s'>}, 'optional_parameters': {'rules': ['description']}, 'uri': '', 'creation_uri_qargs': {'ver': ['']}, 'creation_uri_frag': ''}}- JRahmOct 05, 2022Admin I wasn't able to come up with the warm and fuzzy solution. I get the same error, and I'm not sure why. That said, I have a workaround for you. This works for me with your partition/folder structure loaded on my local test LTM:
# Use the modify method to PATCH the specific attribute that includes the policies list. vip.modify(policiesReference={"items": [{"name": "Portal_QA1", "partition": "QA1_Web", "subPath": "Shared"}]}) # Since policies are subcollections, refresh with expandSubcollections attribute to validate at the vip level vip.refresh(requests_params={'params': 'expandSubcollections=true'})
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