Forum Discussion

jerm1020_254086's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 09, 2016

Troubleshooting failover capabilities

I am attempting (and attempting is a strong word) to troubleshoot the failover capabilities between the two VCMPs. VCMP1 is currently the Standby and VCMP2 is Active. However, attempts to force VCMP1 to be Active results in an immediate fallback to Standby. Therefore we cannot control which unit is Active. does anyone have any insight for a newbie on what could be causing this?


  • I haven't work worked with virtual F5 before but some of the things that I would check is to make sure that the VLANs/interfaces are active and receiving traffic. Make sure the other F5 is not set to be "always active" or some version of it. Check logs to see the failover reasons and troubleshoot further.


  • so these are two vCMP guests? running on the same vCMP host or different ones? they are configured together in a Device Service Cluster? is autofall back configured perhaps?


    have a read of the HA configuration guide: