Forum Discussion

Nizam_Ud_Din_10's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2012

Treating the resources in active-standby

I have a VIP on F5 load balancer. There are 2 nodes (or resources) serving that VIP. Right now, the traffic loadbalancing strategy is Round-Robin, and the traffic is being equally distributed between the 2 nodes.



However, I want the traffic to be working like active-standby through the F5 loadbalancers; i-e,


F5 should consider Node1 as Master and should always send traffic to it till its alive.


In case Node1 goes down, F5 should realize that immediately and should start sending traffic to Node2.


Whenever, Node1 comes back alive F5 should realize that and should start sending traffic back to Node1 again instead of Node2.



In short, I don't want to manually enable or disable nodes on F5 load balancer. Is this achieveable? If yes, then how?


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Use priority groups on the poolmembers. Basically set the priority group option. Then remove and re-add the poolmembers with a priority. The highest value of the priority poolmember will get the traffic. Uf you have >1 poolmember per priority value, you can also set the minimum number of poolmembers to be available at that level before using the next level



    However for just two, set one to 100, one to 200 (Master), enable priority groups, minimum should be defaulted to 1 and away you go.


