Forum Discussion

Robert_Kerr's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 09, 2020

Tool to Diagram LTM relationships

Is there software to generate a node graph showing F5 virtual servers, pools, and nodes, including some details like IP addresses? I'm doing it manually but that gets old quick. Next up would be export the configuration from tmsh and parse into a graph. Kinda hoping someone's already done that and shared their code.




7 Replies

  • apvx maps wip to vip - pool - pool member - firewall rules - server a visio view..


  • this is a consolidated graphical view of VIP - Pool - Pool Member Mapping. This is exportable as a report


  • Thanks for reply, but from the screen that's just showing the config associated with the selected object. I'm looking to graph hundreds of virtual servers, the pools they are using, and the nodes those pools belong to. Beyond that, I want to extend into the devices (VMs in our case) that the nodes are pointing to, as well as the websites and bindings associated with those sites. The part outside of F5 can be ignored for this question. Just hoping someone's written some code to get halfway there on this. If I have to do it, I'll export the entire configuration for a partition, parse the configuration to an object model, then turn those into nodes in a view. Finally add a print for the view. Make sense?

  • i have used and seen AppViewX close and this is part of the Control Center module.

    Also for the graphical view, there is a view for that once the required object is expanded.

    Further Context Menu options can provide config view , quick actions.