Forum Discussion

Spidey_29396's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 15, 2015

'tmsh load sys config' vs 'tmsh save sys config'

Hi All,


I can't find good articles regarding the difference between "tmsh load sys config" and "tmsh save sys config". Hoe some could elaborate the difference and use of the 2 commands.Thank you in advance.


15 Replies

  • Hi boneyard,


    Thank you. I will be creating a ticket for this issue as i'm currently running 11.6


  • Hi Boneyard,


    TAC can't find the solution for this. What we've done is to create a dummy IP for self IP then delete the Old Self IP, Create the permanent SelfIP and delete the Dummy IP.


  • Hi Boneyard,


    TAC can't find the solution for this. What we've done is to create a dummy IP for self IP then delete the Old Self IP, Create the permanent SelfIP and delete the Dummy IP.