Forum Discussion
TMSH display service numbers instead of names
I have found two different ways to change service ports from using names:
(1) set cli global options:
jefphill@(Active)(tmos.sys) list /cli global-settings
cli global-settings {
audit enabled
service number
(2) change database
jefphill@(Active)(tmos.sys) list /sys db bigpipe.displayservicenames
sys db bigpipe.displayservicenames {
value "false"
I have saved the configuration, looked at the bigip.conf (uses numbers!) and restarted tmsh. But I can't seem to emulate bigpipe -n.
We're running 10.2.3, is this a known issue?
- What_Lies_Bene1
It's a bug: - Jeff_Phillips_1
Thanks! So 10.x affected, 11.x fixed. Hmm. Makes the cutover from bigpipe to tmsh a bit harder not having an easier migration :)
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