Forum Discussion

Andrea_Arquint's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 10, 2011

TMM utilization increaseing after iRule change




Hardware: LTM6900 (4 TMM processes)




Ich have an iRule in place since more then a year.


Now I did create an additional new iRule which is based on that one.




The big distinctive change which differs from the origin one is:








if { "$uri_orig" contains "/v/" or "$uri_orig" contains "/w/" } {


set rule_active 0


log local0. "rule_active: none"


} else {


set uri_new $uri_prefix_category$para_cn

















TMM1.0 has 3 times more CPU utilization then the other 3 tmm's since I activated the new iRule???




TMM1.0 = 10%


TMM2.0 = 3%


TMM3.0 = 3%

TMM4.0 = 3%



I don't use any datagroup instances in this case.




Does somebody know why that is?









many thx for any help




  • Hi Andrea,


    It's hard to tell what is happening here with the difference. One hand you are using a "contains" which may be increasing the CPU cycles because it's looking at the entire URI. Is it possible to post the original?



    There is also an article about evaluating Irule performance that you can look at. The following link will take you to an excellent article about measuring optimization.





    I hope this helps






  • Hi Bhattman



    I don't know how to post it as a code here in this forum.


    I just paste the rule code into notepad and then into here.




    here is the rule:




    when HTTP_REQUEST {




    don't run the rule if it's a mobile redirect


    if {[info exists mobile_match] && $mobile_match==1} {


    log local0. "It's a mobile client: [IP::client_addr]"


    } else {


    log local0. "normal client: [IP::client_addr]"




    set rule_active 1


    set default_category 1


    set uri_orig [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]



    set uri_prefix_category "/default/defaultcatg.asp?rewrite=1&catg="


    set uri_prefix_listing "/default/defaultlist.asp?rewrite=1&catg="


    set uri_prefix_carsandbikes_listing "/carsandbikes/defaultlist.aspx?rewrite=1&categorynr="



    Required params


    set para_c [findstr $uri_orig "/c/" ]


    set para_l [findstr $uri_orig "/l/" ]


    set para_b [findstr $uri_orig "/b/" ]




    if { $para_c ne "" } {


    set parameters [findstr $para_c "/c/" 2]


    log local0. "Parameter para_c: $para_c $parameters"


    } elseif { $para_l ne "" } {


    set parameters [findstr $para_l "/l/" 2]


    log local0. "Parameter para_l: $para_l $parameters"


    } elseif { $para_b ne "" } {


    set parameters [findstr $para_b "/b/" 2]


    log local0. "Parameter para_b: $para_b $parameters"


    } else {


    set parameters ""





    log local0. "Parameters: $parameters"




    Optional params


    set para_cn [findstr $parameters "/cn" 3 "/"]


    set para_an [findstr $parameters "/an" 3 "/"]


    set para_ln [findstr $parameters "/ln" 3 "/"]


    set para_ls [findstr $parameters "/ls" 3 "/"]


    set para_lt [findstr $parameters "/lt" 3 "/"]


    set para_pn [findstr $parameters "/pn" 3 "/"]


    set para_ps [findstr $parameters "/ps" 3 "/"]


    set para_xml [findstr $parameters "/xml" 4 "/"]




    log local0. "Parameter para_an: $para_an"



    switch -exact $uri_orig {


    "/kaufen" -


    "/acheter" -


    "/kobe" -


    "/kjope" -


    "/pris" -


    "/angebote" -


    "/buy" {


    HTTP::respond 301 Location http://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]/






    switch -glob $uri_orig {


    "/kaufen/*" -


    "/acheter/*" -


    "/kobe/*" -


    "/kjope/*" -


    "/pris/*" -


    "/angebote/*" -


    "/buy/*" {



    Process required parameters


    Set the correct categorynumber


    if { $para_cn equals "" } {


    set para_cn $default_category


    } else {


    do nothing




    Set the article number


    if { $para_an != "" } {


    Add auctionnr to the URI


    set para_an "&auctionnr=$para_an"





    Workaround for "v" and "w" else Default new_uri


    if { "$uri_orig" contains "/v/" or "$uri_orig" contains "/w/" } {


    set rule_active 0


    log local0. "rule_active: none"


    } else {


    set uri_new $uri_prefix_category$para_cn





    Process URI prefix


    Create URI prefix for listing page


    if { $para_l != "" } {


    set uri_new $uri_prefix_listing$para_cn


    } elseif { $para_b != "" } {


    set uri_new $uri_prefix_carsandbikes_listing$para_cn


    } else {


    set uri_new $uri_prefix_category$para_cn






    Process optional parameters


    if { $para_ln != "" } {


    Add langeuagenr to the URI


    set uri_new "$uri_new&languagenr=$para_ln"




    if { $para_ls != "" } {


    Add listingsort to the URI


    set uri_new "$uri_new&listingsort=$para_ls"




    if { $para_lt != "" } {


    Add listingtype to the URI


    set uri_new "$uri_new&listingtype=$para_lt"




    if { $para_pn != "" } {


    Add pagenumber to the URI


    set uri_new "$uri_new&pagenr=$para_pn"




    if { $para_ps != "" } {


    Add pagesize to the URI


    set uri_new "$uri_new&pagesize=$para_ps"




    if { $para_xml != "" } {


    Add xml to the URI


    set uri_new "$uri_new&xml=$para_xml"






    Set new URL


    log local0. "[HTTP::host] $uri_orig $uri_new"


    if { $rule_active ne 0 } {


    if {[catch { HTTP::header insert "X-REWRITTENURL [HTTP::uri]" } result]} {


    log local0. "[HTTP::host] [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::local_port] Error on Header Insert X-REWRITTENURL"




    if { [HTTP::uri] equals $uri_new } {


    log local0. "[HTTP::uri] URLs equal!"




    HTTP::uri $uri_new


    log local0. "[HTTP::host] [HTTP::uri] -> $uri_new"


















    Thanx for help




  • Hi Bahttman



    I did activate the timing:




    b rule irule_global_rewrite_buy_page_new show all


    RULE irule_global_rewrite_buy_page_new


    +-> HTTP_REQUEST 1424 total 0 fail 0 abort


    | Cycles (min, avg, max) = (523003, 640003, 2456714)







    I cannot massure if it's a problem or if these stats normal.










  • Hi Andrea,


    The timing is to specifically to help you change your code to reduce the CPU cycles - it wasn't design to poinpoint where the in the code it took up the CPU cycles. However, this should help you choose the best way to optimize your code.



  • You can edit your post and use [ code ] [/ code ] tags to preserve the spacing.



    Do you have another iRule on the virtual server which could be preventing CMP? That could explain high CPU0 usage. See this article for details:




    Are you logging for every connection? If so, you might try commenting out all of the logging.



    You could also put add the 'return' command after each HTTP::respond/redirect to exit the current event in the current iRule:



