Forum Discussion

What_Lies_Bene1's avatar
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May 13, 2014

TCP Traffic Path Diagram

Hi all,


It's bugged me ever since I looked at the ADF exam blueprint that there still wasn't a definitive document or diagram available that described or showed the TCP Traffic Path and Order of Operations of a packet passing through an F5. I'm aware of the BigIP Path Graph v1.7 from Red Education but that's five years old and hasn't been subject to any review. To that end I've recently started my own as you can see below.


Comments and more importantly corrections or queries are encouraged. Note as it stands I've not added many iRule events as I'd like to get the flow and order sorted first. I'm pretty sure what I've done is mostly correct but I'd love some review before I continue and finish off the server side operations. Many thanks in advance. You may need to right-click, open image/in new tab to see it full size.



New version - December 2015: