Forum Discussion

CraigMo's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 07, 2024

table lifetime command

I am not well versed in the use of table commands.  What I would like to do is "terminate" any session to a VS after 15 minutes regardless of the session being idle or active traffic being passed.

What I have tried is:


    set tbl "virtip:[IP::local_addr]"


    table lifetime $tbl 900

log local0. "ltime:[table lookup -subtable $tbl lifetime]"





The logs show the "ltime" as empty.  My question is, what is the correct syntax to set the lifetime (if this is the correct variable) and to generate the log entry showing the lifetime value.



  • What is the reasoning for having to close the connections after 15 minutes no matter what? If it were me I would have this handled on the server side rather than the F5. Just because you can do it at the F5 doesn't mean you should.

  • Paulius, 

    I agree that it would be better handled on the sever side but due to the political nature of the environment I am pursuing a solution on the F5.
