Forum Discussion

mariogolf_57851's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 20, 2010


Can you help me formatting the output returned from this call please?





sub get_fan_metrics




sub get_fan_metrics()




$soapResponse = $SystemInfo->get_fan_metrics();





@PlatformFans = $soapResponse->result;


foreach $PlatformFans (@PlatformFans)




@FanMetric = @{$PlatformFans->{"fans"}};


print Dumper \@FanMetric;







$VAR1 = [


bless( [


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_INDEX',


'value' => '101'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_STATE',


'value' => '1'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_SPEED',


'value' => '4530'


}, 'System::FanMetric' )


], 'System::FanMetric[]' ),


bless( [


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_INDEX',


'value' => '102'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_STATE',


'value' => '1'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_SPEED',


'value' => '4440'


}, 'System::FanMetric' )


], 'System::FanMetric[]' ),


bless( [


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_INDEX',


'value' => '103'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_STATE',


'value' => '1'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_SPEED',


'value' => '4411'


}, 'System::FanMetric' )


], 'System::FanMetric[]' ),


bless( [


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_INDEX',


'value' => '104'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_STATE',


'value' => '1'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_SPEED',


'value' => '4272'


}, 'System::FanMetric' )


], 'System::FanMetric[]' ),


bless( [


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_INDEX',


'value' => '105'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_STATE',


'value' => '1'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_SPEED',


'value' => '4299'


}, 'System::FanMetric' )


], 'System::FanMetric[]' ),


bless( [


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_INDEX',


'value' => '106'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_STATE',


'value' => '1'


}, 'System::FanMetric' ),


bless( {


'metric_type' => 'FAN_SPEED',


'value' => '4245'


}, 'System::FanMetric' )


], 'System::FanMetric[]' )




  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     sub get_fan_metrics
    sub get_fan_metrics()
            $soapResponse = $SystemInfo->get_fan_metrics();
            $PlatformFans = $soapResponse->result;
            for $i ( 0 .. $AoA ) {
                    for $j ( 0 .. ${$AoA[$i]} ) {
                            $FanIndex = $AoA[$i][$j][0];
                            for my $Index (sort keys %{$FanIndex}) {
                                    print $Index . " " . $FanIndex->{"$Index"} . "\n";
                            $FanState = $AoA[$i][$j][1];
                            for my $State (sort keys %{$FanState}) {
                                    print $State . " " . $FanState->{"$State"} . "\n";
                            $FanSpeed = $AoA[$i][$j][2];
                            for my $Speed (sort keys %{$FanSpeed}) {
                                    print $Speed . " " . $FanSpeed->{"$Speed"} . "\n";
            print "The statistics were gathered: [";
            print $TimeStamp->{'year'};
            print $TimeStamp->{'month'};
            print $TimeStamp->{'day'};
            print $TimeStamp->{'hour'};
            print $TimeStamp->{'minute'};
            print $TimeStamp->{'second'};
            print "]\n";
  • This code is ugly and needs cleaned up for pretty output but it is a start and works for these types of array outputs.



    Any cleanup would be appreciated.
  • Yields:



    metric_type FAN_INDEX


    value 101


    metric_type FAN_STATE


    value 1


    metric_type FAN_SPEED


    value 4560


    metric_type FAN_INDEX


    value 102


    metric_type FAN_STATE


    value 1


    metric_type FAN_SPEED


    value 4440


    metric_type FAN_INDEX


    value 103


    metric_type FAN_STATE


    value 1


    metric_type FAN_SPEED


    value 4440


    metric_type FAN_INDEX


    value 104


    metric_type FAN_STATE


    value 1


    metric_type FAN_SPEED


    value 4299


    metric_type FAN_INDEX


    value 105


    metric_type FAN_STATE


    value 1


    metric_type FAN_SPEED


    value 4299


    metric_type FAN_INDEX


    value 106


    metric_type FAN_STATE


    value 1


    metric_type FAN_SPEED


    value 4245


    The statistics were gathered: [20101222222713]