Forum Discussion
syslog-ng anf errdefsd service err
hi :
My device is out of maintenance time and can't be rebooted for a while, I killall syslog-ng and restarted syslog-ng to free up the CPU usage of the mcpd service. But I can't do anything about the constant rebooting of errdfsd, but I found that bigstart stop errdefsd stopping the errdefsd service stops the cyclic reboot problem.
Hi ,
I believe that you need to prepare rebooting your BIGIP.
I think when you used bigstart stop errdefsd this stops the restarting but still mcpd takes the most of CPU.
without errdefsd you have a problem in Logging.
- yue_zheng1Dec 18, 2024
hi thanks a lot for your reply!您好,非常感谢您的回复!
In my testing I found that the problem that was causing the high CPU utilization of mcpd was a fake dead syslog-ng service. After I killall syslog-ng and restart syslog-ng, mcpd CPU utilization is back to normal. syslog-ng is normal, ltm log is able to output logs normally. errdefsd is a HSL log, and I don't use HSL log at the moment. I have been observing it in the test environment for two days and I didn't find any other abnormality.在我的测试中,我发现导致 mcpd 高 CPU 使用率的问题是假死的 syslog-ng 服务。在我杀死所有 syslog-ng 并重新启动 syslog-ng 后,mcpd CPU 利用率恢复正常。 syslog-ng正常,ltm log能够正常输出日志。 errdefsd是一个HSL日志,我目前不使用HSL日志。我在测试环境观察了两天,没有发现其他异常。
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