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Ferg_104721's avatar
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Oct 30, 2011

Syntext on Irule for NATTING




I am writing an irule to do some natting (long story i know there are better ways). I know the switch statement has a limitation in the number of functions you can have it do, i.e. SNAT and POOL in one catch. The irule i am implementating is meant to A. if specific IP, SNAT to a specific SNAT pool member. I now have a requirement for a specific IP to SNAT and redirect to another pool. I had syntext errors from F5 so i came up with below, just wanted to confirm this looks logically correct.








set c_nat 0


if {[IP::remote_addr] equals "10.X.X.25" or [IP::remote_addr] equals "10.X.X.26"}{


$c_nat 1


} else {


$c_nat 0





if {$c_nat == 0}{


switch -glob [IP::remote_addr] {


10.X.X.5 { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.1 }


10.X.X.6 { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.2}


10.X.X.7 { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.3 }


10.X.X.8 { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.4 }


10.X.X.9 { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.5 }


default { snatpool SNAT }




} elseif {$c_nat == 1}{


pool poo_2


switch -glob [IP::remote_addr] {


10.X.X.25 { snatpool SNATY member X.X.Y.1 }


10.X.X.26 { snatpool SNATY member X.X.Y.2 }




} else {


log local0. "NAT on F5 has failed






  • what about this one?

       if {[IP::addr [IP::remote_addr] equals "10.X.X.25"]} {
          pool poo_2
          snatpool SNATY member X.X.Y.1  
      } elseif {[IP::addr [IP::remote_addr] equals "10.X.X.26"]} {
          pool pool_2
          snatpool SNATY member X.X.Y.2
      } else {  
          switch [IP::remote_addr] {
             "10.X.X.5" { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.1 }
             "10.X.X.6" { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.2 }
             "10.X.X.7" { snatpool SNATX member  X.X.X.3 }
             "10.X.X.8" { snatpool SNATX member  X.X.X.4 }
             "10.X.X.9" { snatpool SNATX member  X.X.X.5 }
              default { snatpool SNAT }
  • As you do SNAT in any case (value of c_nat will be 0 or 1), you can put it all in one switch statement, without the -glob.

      switch [IP::remote_addr] {
         "10.X.X.5"  { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.1 }
         "10.X.X.6"  { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.2 }
         "10.X.X.7"  { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.3 }
         "10.X.X.8"  { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.4 }
         "10.X.X.9"  { snatpool SNATX member X.X.X.5 }
         "10.X.X.25" { snatpool SNATY member X.X.Y.1 }
         "10.X.X.26" { snatpool SNATY member X.X.Y.2 }
         default   { snatpool SNAT }
       if this is your only pool, leave the statement here. Otherwise put it in the switch action 
       pool poo_2


    Kurt Knochner
  • i think Kurt's example looks simpler. by the way, if i am not wrong, i understand only 10.x.x.25 and 10.x.x.26 using pool poo_2. so, you have to move pool foo_2 into the switch's code block.
  • Thanks nitass, doing it without setting the variable does look better. Thanks also Kurt. I will have a play with both.