Forum Discussion

John_Van_Zant's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jul 26, 2023

Switched from Hardware to VE LTM and now we have latency issues

Hi All, I have LTM VEs deployed and it has caused us to get extremely slow transfers through the IP forwarder Virtual Servers.  I have configured them with TCP but am wondering if there are any twea...
  • Hi John_Van_Zant , 

    Take packet caputres to see the time that traffic hit your bigip VE and Leave it to be able to define there is a latency from bigip. 

    the second thing >> this may be expected duo to VE Capabilities , try to review the assigned resources , review your CPU , memory ,

    check TMM data plane traffic info from errors >>

    you may raise a case with F5 support to check your VE capabilites/licenses  compared with the replaced hardware one. 

  • whisperer's avatar
    Jul 27, 2023

    Good point on checking guest capabilities. Depending on licensed cores, and number of modules in use, adjustments may be needed. Please use the following for guidance:

    For max theoughout rate and allowed vCPU, please take a look at the following:

    Hope this helps. Also, if your applications use F5 compression or SSL termination, hardware has special purpose ASICs for this. The newer hardware handles PFC ciphers and EC. You don't get this with virtual hardware and need to through more CPU at it if the bottleneck is F5 traffic processing.