Forum Discussion
String Scan question ... trying to do something really simple
Its just not working...
Given a string - "/part1/part2/part3/part4" I want the result to be: p1 = part1 p2 = part2 p3 = /part3/part4
which led me to write the following:
when HTTP_REQUEST { set foo "/part1/part2/part3/part4"
if { [ scan $foo {/%s/%s/%s} part1 part2 part3 ] == 3 } { log local0. "testing part1 = $part1; part2= $part2; part3 = $part3" } else { log local0. "did not scan properly" } log local0. "exit irule" }
I tried scan $foo {/%[^/]/%[^/]/%s} - which did not work either. So its something in the expression that I have wrong...
I keep getting "did not scan properly" in the logs
Any help or pointers appreciated.
Thanks Carl
String matchers are "greedy", so %s will match everything up to the next whitespace. That's why
/%s/%s/%swon't work; everything ends up in$part1.The second construct should work. Indeed, on 11.5.4, I do the following:
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set path "/foo/bar/baz/bing" set x [scan $path {/%[^/]/%[^/]/%s} part1 part2 part3] if { $x == 3 } { log local0. "part1 = $part1; part2 = $part2; part3 = $part3" } else { log local0. "scan returned ($x) elements" } }
And it works as I expect. In the logs, I get:
Jun 27 19:00:01 b201 info tmm[13446]: Rule /Common/test_scan : part1 = foo; part2 = bar; part3 = baz/bing
- VernonWells
String matchers are "greedy", so %s will match everything up to the next whitespace. That's why
/%s/%s/%swon't work; everything ends up in$part1.The second construct should work. Indeed, on 11.5.4, I do the following:
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set path "/foo/bar/baz/bing" set x [scan $path {/%[^/]/%[^/]/%s} part1 part2 part3] if { $x == 3 } { log local0. "part1 = $part1; part2 = $part2; part3 = $part3" } else { log local0. "scan returned ($x) elements" } }
And it works as I expect. In the logs, I get:
Jun 27 19:00:01 b201 info tmm[13446]: Rule /Common/test_scan : part1 = foo; part2 = bar; part3 = baz/bing
- Carl_Weiss_1340
sorry for the tardiness - I tried the alternative again and viola! it worked (not sure what happened when I tested it before).
- Vernon_97235Historic F5 Account
String matchers are "greedy", so %s will match everything up to the next whitespace. That's why
/%s/%s/%swon't work; everything ends up in$part1.The second construct should work. Indeed, on 11.5.4, I do the following:
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set path "/foo/bar/baz/bing" set x [scan $path {/%[^/]/%[^/]/%s} part1 part2 part3] if { $x == 3 } { log local0. "part1 = $part1; part2 = $part2; part3 = $part3" } else { log local0. "scan returned ($x) elements" } }
And it works as I expect. In the logs, I get:
Jun 27 19:00:01 b201 info tmm[13446]: Rule /Common/test_scan : part1 = foo; part2 = bar; part3 = baz/bing
- Carl_Weiss_1340
sorry for the tardiness - I tried the alternative again and viola! it worked (not sure what happened when I tested it before).
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