Forum Discussion

SpencerWebb_265's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 11, 2017

SSO / SAML Integration with existing SAML enabled Web Applications

Hi there,


We currently have a single Shibboleth IdP on premise that is configured to provide SSO into various web applications.


We are looking to provide users a seamless logon from the webtop into each of these sites but I'm not sure how to go about this. It would be nice for the user to automatically get a SAML token at logon to the webtop (or SSLVPN) and then they would be pre-authenticated when they clicked a weblink.


I thought that I could setup the F5 as an SP and get it authenticate against Shibboleth to retrieve the assertion which would then work for the various apps.


I don't really want to reconfigure the existing SPs to talk to the F5 if possible.


Any ideas on how best to approach this?


Cheers Spence


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