Forum Discussion
SSL::profile errors
I need help with this iRule... In some VS, when /images* is invoked, we need to redirect the traffic to another pool and change from HTTP to HTTPS in the backend.
For this purpose I've created this iRule:
set sp [LB::server pool]
log local0. "Server pool: $sp"
if { [IP::addr [LB::server addr] equals ]} {
SSL::profile sslmyappimages
SSL::enable serverside
log local0. " Asignando nuevo perfil para pool de"
log local0. " No se asigno nuevo perfil para pool de"
It doesn't work, and the logs in /var/logs/ltm goes like this:
Apr 6 13:04:00 local/tmm1 err tmm1[5535]: 01220001:3: TCL error: imagesirule - wrong args: should be "SSL::profile " while executing "SSL::profile sslmyappimages"
I don't have a clue why is that happening, I also tried without SSL::enable serverside, and I think I'm following this syntax
I've been careful with spaces... simply don't understand...
Thank you!!
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountDo you have a serverSSL profile assigned to the virtual? You need to have a default serverSSL profile assigned before you can swap profiles using the SSL::profile command.
- Eric_27859NimbostratusNo, I don't have any default server SSL Profile (only one client SSL profile).
- hoolioCirrostratusYou can enable any server SSL profile and then use SSL::profile to switch to another one. With that, server SSL will be enabled by default. You can then selectively disable encryption using SSL::disable serverside.
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountWhat Aaron said. ;)
- Eric_27859NimbostratusThe second one leads to a cleaner iRule like the following:
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountThe only thing I can suggest is the obvious "check the error logs" comment. Both on the server and the LTM, checking for errors is the first thing I'd do. Past's dump time..ooohh fun. ;)
- Eric_27859NimbostratusYep... tail -f /var/log/ltm = your best friend...
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountYou have an extra set of square brackets. Try:
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/images" ) } { SSL::disable serverside } }
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountBasically, it's trying to run "[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/images"" as a command.'s not. ;)
- Eric_27859NimbostratusThank you for helping me!
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