Forum Discussion

Janek_42109's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2015

SSL redirection from HTTPS to 8443

Hi all,

I'm experiencing an issue this an URL redirection. I would like to redirect client request from to

I have created two VS with SSL termination on the F5.

On the VS for HTTPS there is no pool associated to the VS just an iRule for the redirection. The iRule is the following :

    [HTTP::redirect ""]]

When using a browser, i just got a blank page but with curl i have more details about the issue :

SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 104

Futhermore, when i'm checking in the /var/log/ltm, i have also the following message :

err tmm2[16953]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/URL_Redirect - invalid command name "" while executing "[HYPERLINK "http::redirect"HTTP::redirect ""]"

I have also an HTTP VS with no pool and the same iRule and it's working just fine.

Is anyone have an idea of what is wrong ?

Thank you

  • Is it actually possible to make an SSL Termination on the F5 with no pool associated ?


    Of course it is. If you think it might be an SSL issue, do the following:


    1. Add a log statement at the top of your HTTP_REQUEST event. Do you see this log message when you test? If you don't then there's a good chance a lower layer is causing an issue.


    2. Enable debug logging for SSL and/or fire up ssldump on the client side of the F5 and see what happens during the SSL handshake.