Forum Discussion

carter91_13591's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2010

SSL over port 8080

I have a web server that has two sites running on it. One on port 80, and the other on port 8080.



I have a 3 virtual servers created on the F5. One for port 80, one for port 8080, and another for 443.



On the one for port 80, I have an iRule attached, so when somebody types in it redirects it automatically to



It works quite well.



I need to get SSL working for the one on port 8080, and can't seem to figure it out. I tried using my originally iRule that just does a redirect to https: like I have for the site on port 80, and it didn't work. I created a 2nd iRule and just manually typed in the URL I wanted it to direct it to instead of the host value ( didn't work either.



I can't seem to get the site running on port 8080 to work with SSL.



Any hints?



Just using the standard iRules for http to https redirects:





HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host]






Also tried:








  • Nitass,


    It works with directly from switch behind LTM.



    I can curl -k but get error when I curl the VIP --- curl: (52) SSL Read: error: 00000000:lib(0) : reason(0), errno (104).



    Tested with clientssl and serverssl without irule no show! Not sure it will work without the irule. A little search appears to indicate that irule is required in order to run SSL on non-default port 443. But I cannot get it to work for me.



    Not given up because it's a requirement and the developers are on my neck.



    Help!! Help!!



  • It is working now without irule. Thanks all. My apologies for assumptions!



    Root cause:


    The Firewall guy (brain fagged me) did not allow port 9089...Dough!!!. It hit my nockle brain when I could not see anything on tcpdump...Hep!@ Hep!! hurray! The developers can get off my back now.



    Thanks all.