Forum Discussion

SriniV_232089's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 10, 2018

SSL Connection error

We are seeing connection error on the F5 ltm running 12.1.2 HF2. We got complains from adobe application folks that their servers AD authentication fails and can't reconnect. We see tons of error on the ltm for this issue.


Connection Error: hud_ssl_handler:1192: codec alert (20)


  • Alert 20 is a generic error. Two options:

    • Uncheck "Generic Alert" in the client SSL profile and inspect the logs again. This may be enough to produce more detailed error messages.
    • Perform an SSLdump on whichever side of the F5 you think the SSL errors are happening:

      ssldump -AdNn -i [vlan] port 443 [and any other filters]

    In many cases an SSLdump will at least tell you where the issue is happening if it happens in the TLS handshake.