Forum Discussion
SSL Authentication issues
Our method is to have them purchase a cert from an authority
(although we’re trying to get self-signed certs to work for initial testing),
give us the serial of that cert and we’ll put it in a Data Group List that
our iRule checks. So we’ll check for a valid cert and that it matches our
list of serial s. Below is the iRule as it is now and a screen capture
of the section of the SSL Client profile I was talking about.
Some scratch notes from last night’s testing:
In Stage Environment:
if we request client cert, clients with no cert come through
if we require client cert, passes to iRule and valid clients are
IE8 get through
Firefox does not get through
iRule - ncf-tls-poc.443
if { [SSL::cert count] == 0 } {
log local0. "No Client Certificate
Provided - IP:[IP::client_addr]"
else {
log local0. "Client Certificate Recieved
- IP:[IP::client_addr] Serial:[X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]]"
if { [class match [X509::serial_number
[SSL::cert 0]] equals ncf-tls-poc.443-ValidCertificateSNs] } {
log local0. "Client Accepted -
IP:[IP::client_addr] Serial:[X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]]"
else {
log local0. "Client Rejected -
IP:[IP::client_addr] Serial:[X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]]"
- nitass
it seems to be okay on my firefox.[root@ve1023:Active] config b virtual bar list virtual bar { snat automap pool foo destination ip protocol 6 rules myrule profiles { http {} myclientssl { clientside } tcp {} } vlans external enable } [root@ve1023:Active] config b pool foo list pool foo { members {} } [root@ve1023:Active] config b profile myclientssl list profile clientssl myclientssl { defaults from clientssl ca file "ca.crt" peer cert mode require } [root@ve1023:Active] config b class ncf-tls-poc.443-ValidCertificateSNs list class ncf-tls-poc.443-ValidCertificateSNs { "01" } [root@ve1023:Active] config b rule myrule list rule myrule { when CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT { if { [SSL::cert count] == 0 } { log local0. "No Client Certificate Provided - IP:[IP::client_addr]" drop } else { log local0. "Client Certificate Recieved - IP:[IP::client_addr] Serial:[X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]]" if { [class match -- [X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]] equals ncf-tls-poc.443-ValidCertificateSNs] } { log local0. "Client Accepted - IP:[IP::client_addr] Serial:[X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]]" } else { log local0. "Client Rejected - IP:[IP::client_addr] Serial:[X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]]" reject } } } when HTTP_REQUEST { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]|[HTTP::header User-Agent]" } when HTTP_RESPONSE { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]|[IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port]|[HTTP::status]" } } [root@ve1023:Active] config cat /var/log/ltm Nov 18 09:08:46 local/tmm info tmm[24220]: Rule myrule : Client Certificate Recieved - IP: Serial:01 Nov 18 09:08:46 local/tmm info tmm[24220]: Rule myrule : Client Accepted - IP: Serial:01 Nov 18 09:08:46 local/tmm info tmm[24220]: Rule myrule :|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20111103 Firefox/3.6.24 Nov 18 09:08:46 local/tmm info tmm[24220]: Rule myrule :||200
- Jim_Sellers_473
For some reasons clients arent getting dropped when they dont match the datagroup .... - Jim_Sellers_473
For some reasons clients arent getting dropped when they dont match the datagroup .... Thanks for the response :)
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