Forum Discussion
sshd could not load host key
I'm running a fresh install of BIG IP VE using TMOS
The sshd daemon is not able to start because of the following message :
Could not load host key: /config/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
When connected using the bash terminal, I can see the content of the key just fine.
I have tried to relabel the filesystem in order to fix the SeLINUX permissions but still no dice.
Procedure that was applied :
thank you.
Hello Nicol4s.
You just need to recreate your SSH RSA key.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /config/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key systemctl restart sshd
Let me know if it works in your case.
- Nicol4sNimbostratus
Hello Dario,
I did something very similar to your solution :
KB Reference used :
bigstart stop sshd restorecon -rF /config/ssh/ssh_host_* bigstart restart sshd journalctl -u sshd
Now the SSH daemon is able to start correctly when my VM boot or reboot.
Thank you for the tip.
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