Forum Discussion
SSH access through App Tunnel
I am trying to access SSH to target server using App Tunnel.
The SSH server authenticate using authentication public key, not normal password based authentication.
I already generated authentication keys and registered on the SSH server and import key on putty.
Putty error is showsing as below snapshot when tesed, which I guess regarding Authentication key issue.
In this environment, how can I set up App Tunnel, especially Launch Application section?
- Leslie_HubertusRet. Employee
Hi Kay - in case nobody from the community has an answer for you soon, I'll try to get one of our SMEs to help you.
- Kay
Hi Leslie,
Is the SME service free? or will charge?
Our company got subscription with our operating BipIP.
Does the subscription cover the SME service?
- Leslie_HubertusRet. Employee
Hi Kay - use of DevCentral and the advice you get here is always free, though if you've got a support contract, you will probably get an answer more quickly. Have you looked at the documents on the Support site over at MyF5?
The difference is that any response from F5 Support is a definitive answer, while the technical advice you get on the community site can't be guaranteed because it is community-sourced (even if some members of the community are subject matter experts at F5 or outside of F5).
- Leslie_HubertusRet. Employee
FYI - I'm also featuring this in today's Community Highlights article for more visibility.
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