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Leo_Rodrigues_1's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jun 22, 2015

Sporadic TCL errors from iRule showing up in logs


I noticed a few errors are showing up on /var/log/ltm. To be able to further debug it, I added a log statement to the script. It then became evident that the log message comes up only ~10% of the time, and on different line numbers. Also, on show rule command, the errors count are zero!

Can anyone help me clear this one? I was thinking perhaps a bug is causing this... (it is running v11.4.1)


ltm rule add_clientIP_header_2 {
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [HTTP::header exists "ClientIPAddress"] }  {
            log local0. "header ClientIPAddress already present"
        } else {
             Insert client ip HTTP Header
            set clientip [ scan [IP::client_addr] {%[^\%]\%%} ]
            log local0. "request from $clientip"
            HTTP::header insert ClientIPAddress $clientip
            log local0. "header inserted $clientip"
            unset clientip

Log sample:

Jun 22 17:14:01 my_bigip info tmm3[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:01 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
**Jun 22 17:14:01 my_bigip err tmm[9237]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/my_rule  - Operation not supported (line 7)     invoked from within "HTTP::header insert ClientIPAddress $clientip"**
Jun 22 17:14:01 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:01 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:27 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:27 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:27 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:27 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:27 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:27 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:28 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:28 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:28 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:29 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:30 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:30 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:30 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:32 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:33 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:33 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:33 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:33 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:33 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:33 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm2[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:34 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:35 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip info tmm3[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip info tmm3[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip info tmm1[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
**Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip err tmm1[9237]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/my_rule  - Operation not supported (line 1)     invoked from within "HTTP::header insert ClientIPAddress $clientip"**
Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip info tmm3[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip info tmm3[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip info tmm[9237]: Rule /Common/my_rule : request from xx.xx.xx.xx
**Jun 22 17:14:39 my_bigip err tmm[9237]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/my_rule  - Operation not supported (line 7)     invoked from within "HTTP::header insert ClientIPAddress $clientip"**
  • sfuerst_116779's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I bet you have another iRule that does a HTTP::respond or HTTP::redirect


    Once those commands have run, the HTTP context is gone, and other HTTP iRule commands will not work. This will mean other iRules that trigger on the same event will have issues, and trigger log messages like this.


  • hmm no, this is the only iRule associated with the virtual servers... The same iRule is applied to multiple VS though...


  • Hi Leo,


    in your code works fine to remove the trailing route domain information.


    In my sample (tested on TMOS v10.2.4) below I use


    I´m testing for the variable and validate the IPv4 address before logging it.


    In case the variable does not exist or
    detects an invalid IPv4 address an error will be logged.


    set client_ip "[getfield [IP::client_addr] "%" 1]"
    if { [info exists client_ip] } {
        if { [catch {IP::addr ${client_ip} mask}] } {
            log local0. "error: no valid IPv4 address found (${client_ip})"
        } else {
            log local0. "address found (${client_ip})"
    } else {
        log local0. "error: variable \$client_ip does not exist"

    Regarding the error: I guess the result of the scan may contain white space characters or invalid characters causing the TCL error. My sample code might help to figure out these strings.



